Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The end of a chapter...

Have you ever read a really good book where each chapter captures your attention? Do you ever get "that" feeling when you finish a chapter...the sad yet excited feeling? Sad because a section of the book that you really enjoyed is coming to a close...sad because the new chapter may mean new characters, new situations, or a different plot yet excited because you are loving this book and you want to know so badly what may happen next. You are excited because you know you can't stay in one chapter forever and that with each character or plot that continues to develop the story only gets better. You are excited for the unknown because you are holding it in light of the joy and delight of the present. That is how I feel today.
Tomorrow I will leave Mercy Ships; I will leave Benin, my home for the majority of this year. I hope you have been able to tell from my pictures and posts that I have absolutely loved my time here. I could say that Africa has stolen my heart or that my heart remains with Mercy Ships...but the truth is that my heart is most fulfilled when I am serving the needy, wherever or however that may be. This year it has been through Mercy Ships and for that I am so grateful. As sad as I am to leave (especially because I am leaving behind such dear friends) I am feeling ready. I believe this is partly because the entire ship is in "transition mode." The hospital is closing down. This week is our final week of surgery! I have been working a lot and have especially loved my little cleft lip and palate babies. :) I got some great cuddles in this week, which made me smile. Being a pediatric nurse is great!
We really need to be praying for the patients who have wounds that are not healing or who we were unable to treat. The ship must sail soon but there are always mixed emotions with this as we are leaving so much need behind. We just cannot help everyone. Please pray that God continues the work He has started this country and in the lives of our patients.
Last night we were honored by the president of Benin by being invited to his "palace" for dinner! There was a lot of waiting, sitting, and speeches involved but was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The president awarded some of our leaders with the highest place of honor in Benin and thanked us for our service. The meal was so formal and beautiful! They truly went all out. They even had native dancers from different parts of Benin as our dinner entertainment! What fun.
It is also a bit sad to come to the end of the Bible study I was a part of called "Breaking Free." God taught me so much through this study and honestly it was quite painful. More than anything, though, I learned that I could trust God, trust in His goodness and love. That in itself was worth the pain! :)
Tomorrow i fly to Kenya to go on a 2 week safari with three girlfriends from the ship. Many people think we are on a vacation here in Africa but the truth is we have worked harder than ever. So, we are taking a couple weeks to see the sights and enjoy Africa...I hope. :) Please pray for safety and health if you think of it! Two weeks of "roughing it" in Kenya, Uganda, DRC and Rwanda could be tough..:)
Thank you again to everyone who supported me in my time here. I honestly feel so humbled to be used by God at all, let alone overseas. I look forward to where God will use me next! I have been praying for you my friends and family who have kept in touch and am so thankful for you. :)

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