Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prayers Please

Sometimes it feels like the world is falling apart.
That is when you have to realize you are not in control and all you can do is pray.
In the past two weeks, health and safety on this ship have seemed to be spinning out of control and that is why I ask for prayer: for the Lord's protection and encouragement.
Two weeks ago, despair hit the hospital walls as one of our translators was hit by a truck and killed; another translator was attacked by thieves who stabbed him and nearly cut his thumb off.
This last weekend two of our crew members grew incredibly sick and were admitted to the ICU for malaria. I had been feeling quite unwell but was sure it was not serious and did not want to make a big deal of it. I decided to pull it together for work as we were short on nurses. Luckily two of my friends convinced me to get tested for malaria, which came back positive. I was immediately summoned to bed and rightfully so. Within hours I was in so much pain I could barely move. My head throbbed and every bone and muscle in my body ached without relief. I joined the other two in ICU and after a few boluses of IV fluids and some good IV pain medications, my headache finally let up. (Not to mention, my parents were praying fervently by this point and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that their prayers were heard in alleviating my pain). I never realized how serious malaria can be: the strain we caught is the only potentially fatal strain which can cause cerebral malaria, pleural edema, anemia, etc. Praise the Lord we are recovering. I am now just feeling incredibly weak as my body tries to recouperate. Prayers for all of us are welcome as it is easy to get discouraged with the slow healing process.
Today Chitra, one of our security guards, got hit on his morning run (the morning run I always do at 6am with them). Luckily he was running alongside medical staff that included a surgeon and several nurses. He was unconscious and bleeding profusely. We rushed him back here to be scanned and examined and are praying against any lasting head injury.
This may come across as depressing. I guess all Im asking for is a bit of prayer as it seems to us that things just keep happening. It is a wonderful chance for us to look for God's grace in all of this and trust His goodness. Thank you.

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